Rotary Support

From the beginning, CART has been a novel fundraising program. Originally founded by Roger Ackerman, a Rotarian in Sumter, SC, members were encouraged to voluntarily empty their pockets and purses of change, or whatever amount they choose, at weekly Rotary meetings. While the name itself (CART) stands for “Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust,” as the organization grew, we also began accepting contributions of currency, checks and credit cards from Rotarians in clubs and districts all along the East Coast.
The heart of Rotary is members who share a common passion for community service and friendship. Rotarians are “people of action” and number more than 1.4 million around the world. CART is a natural fit for one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus, “disease prevention and treatment.” To learn more about Rotary clubs in your community, visit the Rotary International website.